Sunday, July 09, 2006

illustration friday - skyline

This became my 'signature painting' for a long while after I finished it... I imagined a dreamy, sleepy winter village, with storefronts lit up and people all warm and cozy inside their houses, maybe drinking hot chocolate or reading a good book. This is what came out! I didn't offer it up for sale for a couple of years, but last summer I sold it at Art in the Park. I had mixed feelings about selling it, largely because of the couple who bought it. I genuinely liked the wife, and she really wanted the painting. But... her husband, to be frank, seemed like a bit of a tool. He also tried to barter with me in a not-so-friendly way. If she wasn't standing behind him looking hopeful, I would have snatched it back and said thanks, but no thanks. Anyway, I hope it's appreciated and happy now!